Engineering/Water Pollution Control

Engineering Department: (203)720-7006
Water Pollution Control: (203)720-7060

Fax: (203) 720-7041 

Click here to email the Engineering Department

The Engineering Department consists of the Borough Engineer, the Assistant Borough Engineer/Chief of Surveys, Survey Party Chief, GIS Technician and Construction Inspector. The Department is responsible for maintaining, updating and providing mapping of street R-O-W, sanitary sewers, and drainage facilities. The Department provides engineering design, traffic studies and surveying assistance to the Street, Parks and Police Departments, and performs engineering reviews of applications to the Planning, Wetland, Zoning, Police, and Economic Development Commissions. The Department inspects all new construction of sanitary sewers, storm sewers, and town roads.

The Water Pollution Control is responsible for collecting sewer assessments, handling sewer backup complaints and managing other sewer needs of the Borough and Wastewater Treatment Plant.

  • Borough Engineer: Wayne Zirolli
  • E-mail:
  • Survey Party Chief: 
  • GIS Technician: Fred Agee
  • Construction Inspector: Manny Tavares
  • Engineering/WPCB Secretary: Deborah Lichwalla

Additional Links:

Viewpoint Online Permit Software for Engineering and WPCA

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